Source code for packer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Compression with DEFLATE.

import zlib
import struct

[docs]class Packer: """ You do not need to create instances of this class because compress and decompress are both static methods. """ @staticmethod
[docs] def compress(data): """ Compresses the given data with the DEFLATE algorithm. The first four bytes contain the length of the uncompressed data. :param data: uncompressed data :type data: bytes or str :return: compressed data :rtype: bytes """ compress_object = zlib.compressobj( zlib.Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, zlib.DEFLATED, zlib.MAX_WBITS, zlib.DEF_MEM_LEVEL, zlib.Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY) if type(data) == str: compressed_data = compress_object.compress(data.encode('utf-8')) compressed_data += compress_object.flush() return struct.pack('!I', len(data.encode('utf-8'))) + compressed_data elif type(data) == bytes: compressed_data = compress_object.compress(data) compressed_data += compress_object.flush() return struct.pack('!I', len(data)) + compressed_data else: raise TypeError("Please pass a str or bytes to the packer.")
[docs] def decompress(compressed_data): """ Decompresses the given data. Please be aware that the first four bytes are the length of the uncompressed data. :param compressed_data: compressed data :type compressed_data: bytes :return: uncompressed data :rtype: bytes """ if type(compressed_data) == bytes: try: return zlib.decompress(compressed_data[4:]) except zlib.error: raise ValueError("The compressed data is in a wrong format.") else: raise TypeError("Please pass bytes to the packer.")